To make sure you're prepared here's our advice for tackling your Propertymark Qualifications exams head on. 

Before your exams

Familiar and comfortable
Always start with a unit you're familiar with. Studying for a qualification is already difficult enough without starting on a unit that is completely new to you. Propertymark Qualifications allow you to sit units in whatever order you feel most comfortable. 

Know your sector 
Revise comprehensively, keeping up-to-date with sector news and industry hot topics too. Building this wider knowledge gives you a big advantage when it comes to understand how all of the different areas of study fit together. 

Read the specification
Familiarise yourself with the qualification specification. Think of it as your qualification bible – it covers the assessment criteria, telling exactly what you’re being assessed on, so that you can understand exactly what you need to do. 

Practice your answers 
You will find sample examination questions on our website for each qualification, so take the time to go through them to gain a better understanding of the type and level of questions you may be asked during your exam. 

How to prepare for your exam

During your exam

Read questions carefully 
This may sound like a no-brainer, but we skim-read more than we think. It can be easy to mis-read a question, so double-check that you know what each question means and understand what you're being asked to do. 

Now read the question again
You'd be surprised how many candidates lose out on valuable marks because they skim a paper. 

Allocate your time properly
We’d recommend reading all of the questions first, and then planning your time around them. 

Allow 5 to 10 minutes at the start to read the questions and plan your answers. Make sure to split your time evenly and don't spend a disproportionate amount of time on one question. 

If you have time to spare at the end, it may be tempting to leave early, but don't. Make every second count and take the time to go back through your exam and check your answers. 

Remember, an exam is as much a time management exercise as a test of knowledge, so keep an eye on the clock to make good use of your time. 

Answering the questions
Most of our exams are multiple-choice, but when it comes to Level 4 Certificate qualifications, you are required to analyse and evaluate scenarios. 

You must demonstrate a higher level of knowledge, so it is important to ensure answers include sufficient detail, backed up by an in-depth understanding. 

If there is a question you can't answer, don’t worry — flag it to remind you, move on and come back to it at the end. 

One last piece of advice… 

The best advice we can give you, is don't panic, and if you have any questions, give us a call on 01926 417 794 — we'll be happy to help. You can also email us at [email protected]

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