We know how important it is for study to fit into your busy life. Propertymark Qualifications are distance learning based, so you decide how to prepare for the exam. It’s great because you can choose when and how you study.

We recommend purchasing resources and support to help you achieve your qualification. With a wide range of online resources, high quality self-study materials and interactive live and recorded webinars, you’ll learn from experts.

Propertymark members receive a £160 discount on learning packages

Choose a learning package that suits you

There are several options available to support you as you work towards your qualifications. Choose the options below to find out more.

On Demand programme

Fit your Propertymark Qualification study around your work and home life and study at a pace that suits you.

Access to the On Demand programme is for 12 months if studying towards the Level 3 (SCQF Level 6) Certificate in Property Agency or any other Level 2 or Level 3 qualification. Access is for two years if you are studying towards the  Level 4 Certificate in Property Agency Management.

On Demand includes a wide range of high quality pre-recorded material to help you learn, understand and remember the course content.

Depending on whether you are studying for your Level 2, Level 3 or Level 4, you'll have access to a mixture of these resources.

Level 2 provides you with a high quality digital workbooks, and access to mock exams. Level 3 in addition gives you a tutor moderated forum to ask questions, guidance on practical law via an online legal information service, a timetable to keep on track, and pre-recorded webinars focused on exam preparation and techniques. You also get access to podcasts and study cards. Level 4 provides a mixture of both - so speak to our team today and find out more.

On Demand prices

Qualification level Standard cost Member cost
Level 2 £340 £180
Level 3/SCQF Level 6 £400 £240
Level 4 £880 £720

Additional units

Applies to Level 3 (SCQF Level 6) Certificate in Property Agency Only

Our new Level 3 (SCQF Level 6) qualification is a flexible, industry leading qualification, enabling property professionals in sales, lettings and commercial, to ‘shape their learning’ to suit individual requirements. What makes it so adaptable is that once you have achieved one pathway, such as a Lettings qualification, you can then register for a Sales qualification without needing to repeat the learning and assessment related to content that is common to both specialisms.

If you have already purchased the full On Demand package when studying for your first qualification, you're able to purchase the learning materials for the unit(s) you need to complete the new pathway you've registered for.

  Standard cost Member cost
Price per unit £160 £96


Workbooks are based on Propertymark Qualifications’ learning outcomes and assessment criteria. These workbooks are the only ones accredited by the awarding body.

While there are other books covering award topics, these bring everything together in one place. They’re more than just a programme workbook – they’re an essential guide for the property professional. They are the only award workbooks recognised by Propertymark.

Each workbook unit relates to one of the final exams, with self-check questions so you can check your understanding of the material.

Workbook prices

Qualification level Standard cost Member cost
Level 3/SCQF Level 6 £400 £240

Get in touch

You can complete the form on this page or call us on 01926 417 792 to learn more about your options.