This is Connect
Connect is an innovative and bespoke online platform that utilises your UK Propertymark network, connecting industry professionals across multiple disciplines whilst helping you to grow your portfolio and create additional income streams, empowering your business to thrive.
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The power of the Propertymark member network revolutionising leads generated by property professionals.
The power of the Propertymark member network revolutionising leads generated by property professionals.

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Connect excels in offering agents a highly flexible approach to lead generation, connecting with credible and qualified property professionals.

Make connections across the UK and beyond
A collaborative lead generation network with coverage right across the UK and infrastructure to develop strong international connections.

Choose the perfect match for your leads
Gain access to essential details on response times and instruction volumes, helping you select the ideal partner for your leads.
Expanding lead generation opportunities
Not a member, no problem
The Connect platform will operate on an inclusive basis, welcoming agents of all shapes and sizes, regardless of location. It will be structured to advocate the best in customer service and will deliver leads as such, with Propertymark ‘Protected’ members having automatic access as an integral part of their Company Advantage package.
User friendly
An intuitive tech platform that’s designed to be easily accessible for your whole team and the best part it’s one of the fantastic benefits of Company Advantage.
You control the parameters
The platform allows users to define their coverage areas, down to specific postcodes, ensuring that agents can target and respond to the right leads.
Strong and effective chains require expertise to be embedded at every link. Choosing the right agent means selecting a true professional who adheres to industry standards and demonstrates a credible proven track record with their existing client base.
At your fingertips, by your side
With a team on-hand to support you wherever you need and a complementary mobile app, you will be able to quickly and easily access reliable leads.
Connect will utilise data from various partners to bring together like-minded agents from different networks into the platform.
Talk to us about Connect
Propertymark Connect Ltd is part of the Propertymark Ltd group. Propertymark Connect is supported by REACH, the growth accelerator programme of Second Century Ventures, a global technology fund backed by the National Association of REALTORS®.