Use the tabs below to read more about the proposals for England and Wales.

General election brings end to parliamentary process

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak MP, has called for a general election that will take place on 4 July. As a result, The Renter's (Reform) Bill couldn't complete it's journey through Parliament before the Government was dissolved and was dropped.

This means that the Bill will not become law, and the next Government will lead on any reforms to the private rented sector.

Propertymark has built strong relationships across the political spectrum and will continue to represent members to the new Government, lobbying on your behalf to ensure legislation is evidence-based and workable. 

Renters’ Reform Bill to abolish Section 21 in England

At the state opening of Parliament on 19 December 2019, the Queen’s Speech announced a Renters’ Reform Bill that will abolish the use of ‘no fault’ evictions by removing Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 and reforming the grounds for possession.

Houses of Parliament with Londong bus going across bridge
Renters’ Reform Bill — Section 21 to be abolished

At the state opening of Parliament on 19 December 2019, the Queen’s Speech set out Boris Johnson’s Government’s “people’s priorities” announcing a Renters’ Reform Bill that will abolish the use of ‘no fault’ evictions by removing Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 and reforming the grounds for possession.

What the UK Government is proposing:

  1. Abolishing the use of ‘no-fault’ evictions by removing Section 21 of the Housing Act 1988 and reforming the grounds for possession.
  2. Give landlords more rights to gain possession of their property through the courts where there is a legitimate need for them to do so by reforming current legislation.
  3. Work to improve the court process for landlords to make it quicker and easier for them to get their property back.

We believe that in the absence of any meaningful plan to boost the level of social housing in this country, the abolition of Section 21 will impact good landlords in the private rented sector who house the nation.

If Section 21 is scrapped, Section 8 must be reformed, and a new specialist housing tribunal created. Without this, supply will almost certainly fall which will have the consequential effect of raising rents and will further discourage new landlords from investing in the sector.

A new deal for renting: resetting the balance of rights and responsibilities between landlords and tenants

The UK Government launched a consultation in July 2019 seeking views on implementing the removal Section 21 in England, as well as improving Section 8 eviction grounds. We submitted a comprehensive response to the UK Government’s consultation on planned changes to the eviction process in England.

A New Deal for Renting Consultation Response
13 Sep 2019
A new deal for renting consultation

We submitted a comprehensive 39-page document in response to the Government’s consultation on planned changes to the eviction process in England.

Changes to the current system should only take place following the development of specialist housing courts and mandatory grounds allowing landlords to regain possession of their property—they must be fair to both tenants and landlords.

To mitigate any negative impacts of the proposals, the Government must: 

  1. Consider introducing a Housing Court to ensure that the proposals are workable or adequately resource and amend the existing Courts system.
  2. Use a technological solution, possession claims must be digitised and taken online.
  3. Look to make all grounds for possession, both existing and new, mandatory in order to effectively compensate for the removal of Section 21.
  4. Ensure automatic High Court Enforcement so landlords are granted an automatic right to have their Possession Order executed by a High Court Enforcement Officer.
  5. Implement a pilot scheme before a national rollout of the proposals to evaluate the effectiveness of the new system. Form 6A, Section 21
29 Dec 2022
Section 21, Section 8 and Section 13

These common tenancy notices are Government prescribed forms available to download from their website. This resource offers a little more information into each one and where you need to go to download them.

Related news and resources

Cambridge, River Cam
24 Jul 2024
Diversity of PRS revealed in national housing survey

The UK Government is expected to introduce the new Renters’ Rights Bill to Parliament in Autumn 2024, so the release of detailed reports from the 2022-23 English Housing Survey on 18 July 2024 offers a timely snapshot of the landscape of the Private Rented Sector (PRS). Notably, 82% of private renters reported being satisfied with their accommodation, suggesting that issues may be concentrated in a small section of the market.

Houses of Parliament flying the union flag
17 Jul 2024
King's Speech: what will impact property agents

Opening the new session of Parliament, King Charles III announced more than 40 Bills the UK Government has committed to introduce, with housing and planning firmly in the spotlight. Housebuilding, renters’ rights, and leasehold reform are all on the legislative agenda, along with significant devolution of powers to local authorities.

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27 Jun 2024
Agents are not alone in the fight against ASB

A Propertymark webinar on 21 June 2024 gave practical advice on how agents can effectively handle anti-social behaviour (ASB) by or affecting a tenant, where to access support, and how to prepare for an eviction hearing.

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20 Jun 2024
General Election 2024: housing policy round up

The property industry urgently needs a clear strategy and strong, consistent leadership from the next UK Government. As the nation prepares to go to the polls on Thursday 4 July Propertymark has examined the manifesto promises on housing from major parties to see what is on offer to voters who care about the future of our sector.

Lettings agent's let board
25 Apr 2024
Renters Reform moves to Lords as sector calls for certainty

The long-delayed Bill included over 200 amendments as it returned to the House of Commons for its Report Stage and Third Reading on 24 April 2024. Having been voted through by MPs it will now move to the Upper House, with Housing Secretary Michael Gove MP controversially stating that it’s up to the House of Lords to decide how quickly the Bill can become law.

Shot of Big Ben from otherside of the Thames
19 Apr 2024
Renters Reform returning to Parliament in a storm of criticism

The Leader of the House of Commons has confirmed the remaining stages of the Renters (Reform) Bill will take place on Wednesday 24 April 2024 with some key changes to the Bill brought forward. Whilst the UK Government has listened and reacted to some industry concerns, another chance has been wasted to effectively regulate property agents.

Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill extends minimum notice periods from two to six months

On 23 February 2021, the Welsh Parliament passed the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill that will extend the amount of notice landlords have to give from two to six months. Under the rules, rental contracts will be simplified and standardised with model contracts available. It will also mean the minimum contract a tenant can be given will be for 12 months.

We raised a number of concerns as the legislation made its way through the Welsh Parliament.

Extension of the minimum notice period
This will give all tenants, including those who flout the law, a minimum of 12 months. The proposal ignores issues with problem tenants and the impact on surrounding properties and the landlord or letting agent.

Changes to fixed term standard contracts
Landlords using fixed term contracts will be left with little option to regain possession of their property at the end of the term unless the court decides that the tenant has breached the terms of their contract.

Placing a six-month restriction on issuing a notice following the expiry of a previous notice
This proposal ignores emergency situations where the landlord may be required to regain possession of their property at short notice. It places further restriction on the already limited Section 173 procedure.

The use of break clauses in fixed term contracts
Ensuring a break clause cannot be used in contracts with a duration of less than 24 months, and cannot be activated until month 18, as well as landlords being required to serve a six month notice in relation to a break clause will create less flexibility for tenants and provide less protection for landlords.

Without reform to the existing courts system for housing cases, including making the eviction process simpler, quicker and more cost-effective, we do not believe that the legislation will achieve a better eviction process.

The Welsh Parliament’s approval of the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill will introduce significant changes to the way the private rented sector operates in Wales. Collectively, having one standardised legal framework is going to enable everyone to operate in exactly the same way, giving clarity on rights and responsibilities through standard written contracts.

While in some cases these changes will provide more financial security for landlords, it also means it will take landlords 12 months to reclaim their property in the case of 'no fault evictions', which is a hammer blow to the sector. We call on the Welsh Government to now stick to its commitment for at least a six-month lead time, or longer, in light of COVID to allow agents and their landlords in Wales to prepare for the upcoming changes.

Angela Davey
Angela Davey Past President | ARLA Propertymark

Related news and resources

Close up of Mic at a committee room
19 Oct 2020
ARLA Propertymark’s concerns raised in Welsh Parliament

During a plenary debate on the general principles of the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill on 13 October 2020, ARLA Propertymark was referenced by Mark Isherwood, Housing Spokesperson for the Conservatives, stating our arguments that the Bill will not secure the security of tenure and will make letting a less viable business for landlords, which in turn could push prices up if there is less housing stock available.

Woman using iPad on the sofa
05 Mar 2020
Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill

ARLA Propertymark has responded to the Welsh Assembly’s Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee’s consultation on the Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) Bill.

Houses of Parliament flying the union flag
17 Jul 2024
King's Speech: what will impact property agents

Opening the new session of Parliament, King Charles III announced more than 40 Bills the UK Government has committed to introduce, with housing and planning firmly in the spotlight. Housebuilding, renters’ rights, and leasehold reform are all on the legislative agenda, along with significant devolution of powers to local authorities.