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Leasehold Property Enquiries (LPE1)
05 Jan 2023
Leasehold Property Enquiries (LPE1)

This form will coincide with lenders changing their policies to be able to lend on properties in remediation schemes, or those covered by leaseholder protections. The changes to this form arise from the Building Safety Act 2022 which came into force on 28 June 2022. Form 6A, Section 21
29 Dec 2022
Section 21, Section 8 and Section 13

These common tenancy notices are Government prescribed forms available to download from their website. This resource offers a little more information into each one and where you need to go to download them.

Propertymark Declaration of Offer form
03 Apr 2020
Declaration of offer form

Have the buyer complete a written declaration of offer rather than accepting it verbally so that you have clarification of their financial position and circumstances of selling so that this can then be shared with all parties, excluding confidential information, making everything transparent.

Propertymark Professional Information Questionnaire for sales
28 Jan 2020
Property Information Questionnaire (PIQ) for sales

Having contributed members views to the NTSELAT working group developing guidance on Material Information, Propertymark’s Property Information Questionnaire (PIQ) is a credible structure to underpin the work property agents do with their clients to gather information.

Propertymark Property Information Questionnaire lettings
04 Jan 2018
Property Information Questionnaire (PIQ) for lettings

Under the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations, both the landlord and letting agent must disclose anything within their knowledge that would affect the transactional decision of the average consumer.

Front page of Propertymark's anti-money laundering compliance checklist
17 Jan 2017
AML compliance checklist

This checklist will highlight areas for improvement in your business. It covers questions which may be asked during a supervisory inspection by HMRC in relation to anti-money laundering (AML) and the counter financing of terrorism.

Propertymark's Identity verification form
17 Jan 2017
Identity Verification Form

Our Identity Verification Form will assist you in collecting the important information you need about the vendor. Use this form to tick off the appropriate checks and comply with the money laundering regulations.