Brexit takes hold of buy-to-let market says auctions show star

Martin Roberts, Homes Under the Hammer presenter says the amount of auction lots is decreasing thanks to Brexit, making his job harder.

Auctioneers gavel and microphone

The Brexit-effect on the property industry is undeniably well documented but the latest to experience difficulties is the TV series, Homes Under the Hammer as it struggles to find home buyers to participate in their property show.

Roberts said Brexit is now beginning to impact filming as they are struggling to find participants because fewer properties are being sold via auctions in the UK.

His comments reflect the most recent auction data from the Essential Information Group which found:

  • the number of residential lots offered are down by 7 per cent
  • the total number of lots went from 2,144 to 1,993 lots in the previous month
  • lots sold dropped by 5% to 1,420 lots
  • the total amount raised was £197.5 million - less than 3 per cent down on the previous year of £203.2 million