Latest MORI poll shows estate agents as one of five least-trusted professions

Estate agents were trusted by only 30 per cent of respondents, though still rated more trustworthy than journalists, Government ministers, advertising executives, and politicians.

Estate agent stood outside of branch

Estate agents ranked in the bottom five of the latest MORI Veracity Poll. Labour supporters were more likely to trust agents than Conservative supporters, also those with no formal education (36 per cent) were more likely to trust estate agents than those who have a degree (23 per cent).

In comparison, nurses (95 per cent trust), doctors, dentists, and teachers top the list of most trusted professions, followed by engineers in fifth place.

Propertymark professionals

With the latest poll showing trust in agents is low, Propertymark membership gives agents an excellent advantage. Being a Propertymark member demonstrates to consumers – and other agents – that an agent is professional, principled and trained, with adhering to continual professional development.

Since becoming Propertymark in 2017, consumers are becoming more and more aware of why they should use Propertymark Protected members.

In a recent survey, 20 per cent of UK adults stated that they're aware of Propertymark. This figure is even higher among 18-34-year olds (31 per cent) and those living in London (45 per cent). This shows that we're making an impact, and the public are now looking out for Propertymark Protected agencies.

Principled, Professional, Propertymark Protected

Propertymark promotes higher standards than the law demands, and campaigns for more laws and enforcement to regulate the sector.

Buyers, seller, landlords and tenants can rest assured that, if their agent is a Propertymark member we hold them accountable in order to protect consumers. Estate agents, letting agents and auctioneers and valuers who display our logo actively ensure maximum protection for their clients and practise to a higher standard than the law currently requires.

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