Restricting rent in advance tabled days before Renters' Rights Bill Third Reading
The UK Government has proposed to ban upfront payments of more than two months’ rent, claiming this will crack down on discrimination against lower-income renters by unscrupulous landlords. Propertymark has challenged this position, stating that a one-size-fits-all approach will end up blocking access to the private rented sector (PRS) for some tenants.
Professional inventories set the stage for successful tenancies
A survey of 1,500 UK renters has revealed that three in ten tenancies do not benefit from a property inventory, leaving agents, landlords, and tenants more vulnerable to costly disputes further down the line.
Dos and Don’ts of Deposit Protection
Lettings agents must protect the interests of landlords, tenants, and their agencies, so understanding the basics of deposit protection is key and knowing the do’s and don’ts will help minimise disputes and reduce the risk of costly penalties.
Strong message delivered on rental reform proposals
Propertymark continues to assert there is no advantage to introducing rent controls and urges Scottish Ministers to properly evaluate the evidence both from UK and across the world. Whilst formulating our response to the most recent engagement questionnaire we hosted a roundtable with members and Scottish Government officials where the strength of feeling from agents was clearly communicated.
Deciphering the difference between fair wear and tear and tenant damage
Letting agents and landlords will be familiar with this phrase, however grasping the meaning and recognising the limits of this term can often be a disputed topic, particularly when making a deposit deduction.
FAQs: Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022
Sections 1-6 of the Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 were enacted on 1 April 2023. This FAQ document provides answers to the most common questions that we have received from Propertymark members.
Importance of documenting tenancy cleaning responsibilities
Among the top sources of conflict at the end of a tenancy is cleaning, which accounts for the majority of disputes between tenants and landlords, a substantial 56% of all cases across the UK.
Fact sheet: Tenancy deposit requirements in Northern Ireland
In 2011, the Northern Ireland Assembly passed the Housing (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 and later the Tenancy Deposit Schemes Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 which introduced regulations for protecting tenancy deposits in Northern Ireland.
Importance of garden inventories to help deposit disputes
During the winter months, gardens and external areas of properties can begin to suffer, leading to disputes between agents, tenants and landlords. Dispute calls are typically at their highest this time of year, so ensuring all your paperwork is in order is even more critical.
Five checks to keep rental portfolios in tip-top shape
Any lettings portfolio should receive ongoing care and maintenance. A disorganised portfolio, weighed down by junk data, loose ends or lax processes enabling wrongdoing, can disrupt the flow of operations, reduce productivity, expose the business to risk and add unnecessary pressure on agents.
Main causes of deposit disputes and how to prevent them
According to insight from the Tenancy Deposit Scheme’s (TDS) 2022 Statistical Briefing, end of tenancy deposit disputes has shown an increase over the past year; however, the overall figures are still low.
Benefits of a Client Money HealthCheck
Annually, Propertymark PPD (Principal, Partner or Director) members have to submit a Client Money Examination Report to be inspected as part of their membership, and for every company, they are legally responsible.
Don’t pay the price of failing to deregister tenant deposits
Letting agents should be aware of the financial implications of failing to deregister tenant deposits after Propertymark reveals it is the most common cause of accounting discrepancies among its membership.
How to avoid pet-related disputes at the end of tenancy
The UK Government has proposed some key changes to the PRS, outlined in the Fairer Renting White paper with pet ownership to become more accessible for tenants. With just 7 per cent of properties stating they are ‘pet friendly’, there are ways to reduce the likelihood of deposit disputes.
Nathan Emerson takes TDS Board position
Propertymark was one of the founders of TDS in 2003 along with RICS and has been continuously represented on the Board ever since. Emerson, Propertymark CEO replaces Mark Hayward, who retired at the end of 2021.
Why outsource your client accounting?
Agencies outsource client accounting to reduce costs and focus on core business goals and planning. The challenge is finding the right solution and partner. An outsourcing partner who best fits with a business is key to a long, happy, and successful relationship—saving you time and money.